Acupuncture & Natural Health

About Me

Thank you for being interested in Acupuncture & Natural Health,

My Name is Marco Caturegli, born in Mexico Citry, and studied both a bachelors and masters degree at Bastyr University in Kenmore Washington. By learning Mexican Healing traditions in Mexico and  the traditional healing modalities of China, I strive to help my clients feel a sense of relief from their daily stressors, being aches, pains, discomforts, ,etc., and come out of the treatment with more vitality and a different outlook in life.

I  believe we all have the potential to heal ourselves, but sometimes it is nice to be guided through areas we dont want to go by oursoulves.

To learn more about me, and my philosophy on health and healing, please go to the "Contact Me" page and send me a message. I'd be happy to tell you anything you'd like to know. Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.